Goodpods News 5 mins
New Podcasting Platform is Looking for Ambassadors
Former NBC News journalist transforms the way podcasts are discovered with Goodpods
by Owen Ramberg | May 24 2020
What is Goodpods?
Podcasting is the fastest-growing new form of media but with millions of episodes recorded, listeners are running into a major problem – how to figure out what to listen to. A new app called Goodpods has solved that problem, transforming the way people find quality shows.
The solution? With Goodpods, users are following their most successful and smartest friends and influencers to see which shows they're listening to. No more scrolling through old emails, social media feeds, or texts to find that podcast recommendation.
"The app is fast gaining traction with podcasters, listeners and influencers. If they can pull this off, it will be a game-changer for the industry." –Buzzsprout
Pictured: JJ Ramberg, Goodpods Co-founder
The New Way To Discover Podcasts
The best way to get recommendations is from friends -- that’s who we turn to to find good movies, restaurants, products. We go to Goodreads for book suggestions and Instagram for lifestyle ideas. Former MSNBC Business News anchor and podcaster JJ Ramberg and her team wondered, “Shouldn’t there be a place to do that with podcasts?” That was the inspiration behind Goodpods.
And it’s working! Friends are following friends and discovering shows they would have never found on their own.
Learning Through Listening
Goodpods is expanding the universe of what listeners are tuning in to. The podcasting world is overwhelming -- with more than 30 million episodes published, many listeners feel stumped by even knowing where to start when they want to broaden their listening.
With Goodpods, listeners are finding podcasts in a variety of genres ranging from history to comedy to science to true crime from their friends. And because recommendations are often by episode, they are finding it easy to try something new.
"Goodpods is for curious people who just need some help finding what’s worth listening to." – Ken Ramberg, Goopods
Follow Your Favorite Influencers
On Goodpods, you don’t just follow your friends, you also follow influencers whose ideas and recommendations you respect. People who love Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History, Dan Harris’s Ten Percent Happier, Rachel Hollis’ RISE and Gretchen Rubin’s Happier with Gretchen Rubin can follow those top-rated hosts to see what else they recommend. Kim Kardashian fans have been following her to see what podcasts she thinks are worth a listen. People are also following brands like The Today Show and Entertainment Weekly whose editorial teams are recommending great episodes.
I am a HUGE Rachel Hollis fan -- I listen to her podcast religiously -- and so I am so happy to know everything she’s listening to – Jamie Ellis, Goodpods user
Surfacing Smaller Podcasts
One of the biggest problems for independent podcasters is that they don’t have big marketing budgets, so even if they have great shows that people would love, it’s hard for people to find them. Goodpods solves this problem. On Goodpods, podcasters don’t need to make it to a top ten list to get noticed. As soon as one person listens, their friends will see it...and their friends...and their friends.
Listeners and podcasters alike are finding Goodpods to be a game-changer in the podcast world.
I never would have discovered the Stimulus podcast had I not seen that my friend listened to it. - Alicia Williams, Goodpods user